
Welcome to the Neuroprivacy Project, an initiative by the Institut Psychotronique dedicated to safeguarding your mind against the rising threat of mind control. Our mission is to defend societal liberties, personal autonomy, and the integrity of your brain, mind, and body from the dangers of emerging psychotronic weapons and mind-altering technologies.

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The Reality of Mind Control

In today’s world, mind control is no longer science fiction—it’s becoming a frightening reality. Advanced technologies now exist that can invade your privacy, manipulate your thoughts, and compromise your autonomy. From neurodata collection to sophisticated psychotronic weapons, these tools pose a significant risk to your cognitive liberty. The Neuroprivacy Project is here to help you understand these threats and protect yourself against them.

The Evolution of Mind Control: From MKUltra to Modern Threats

The concept of mind control isn’t new. One of the earliest and most notorious examples is the CIA’s MKUltra program, initiated in the 1950s. This covert project aimed at behavioral modification using drugs, hypnosis, and other experimental techniques. The goal was to develop methods to control and manipulate human behavior, often without the consent of the subjects involved.

MKUltra represents a dark chapter in the history of mind control, but the technology and techniques have evolved significantly since then. Today, the threat is more sophisticated and pervasive.

Modern iterations exploit the human nervous system, which regulates essential life functions, processes sensory inputs, and facilitates vivid conscious experiences, making it a principal target for external influences.  These modern psychotronic weapons exploit the neuroplasticity of the nervous system to manipulate perceptions and behaviors and have the potential to influence thoughts, emotions, and actions remotely and invisibly.


Support the Neuroprivacy Project by the Institut Psychotronique. Your mind is your most valuable asset, help us protect it from manipulation and control. Donate Today to support the Neuroprivacy Project and stand up for the right to a free and unmanipulated mind.

Our Mission

Defend Cognitive Liberty

Advocate for your right to mental autonomy and protect against unwarranted intrusion.

Educate and Inform

Provide comprehensive resources to help you recognize and understand the mechanisms and risks of mind control technologies.

Promote Ethical Standards

Collaborate with policymakers and researchers to establish ethical guidelines for the development and use of neurotechnology.

Support Neurosecurity

Develop and promote security measures to shield your mind from unauthorized access and manipulation.


Support the Neuroprivacy Project by the Institut Psychotronique. Your mind is your most valuable asset, help us protect it from manipulation and control. Donate Today to support the Neuroprivacy Project and stand up for the right to a free and unmanipulated mind.

How You Can Help

Your support is crucial in our fight to protect against mind control. By contributing to the Neuroprivacy Project, you can help us:

Advance Research

Fund studies that explore the impacts of mind control technologies and develop solutions to counteract their effects.

Raise Awareness

Spread the word about the importance of neuroprivacy and the real dangers of psychotronic weapons.

Influence Policy

Advocate for laws and regulations that safeguard your cognitive rights and protect against mind control.

Develop Tools

Create innovative tools and resources that empower individuals to defend their mental privacy.


Support the Neuroprivacy Project by the Institut Psychotronique. Your mind is your most valuable asset, help us protect it from manipulation and control. Donate Today to support the Neuroprivacy Project and stand up for the right to a free and unmanipulated mind.

Join the Fight Against Mind Control

Your mind is your most valuable asset—help us protect it from manipulation and control. Join the Neuroprivacy Project and be part of a movement dedicated to defending cognitive liberty and personal autonomy. Together, we can ensure a future where technology serves to enhance, not enslave, our minds.


Donate Today to support the Neuroprivacy Project and stand up for the right to a free and unmanipulated mind.